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  • Writer's pictureArto Vilkman

Artificial Intelligence - Simply put

What exactly is artificial intelligence?

Have you ever used a phone with voice control? Or watched a movie where a computer can think independently? These are examples of the use of artificial intelligence. But what does that mean in practice?

Artificial intelligence, or AI (Artificial Intelligence) for short, is a computer program designed to imitate human thinking.

For example, it can:

  • To learn: Artificial intelligence can analyze large amounts of data and find patterns on the basis of which it can make predictions or decisions.

  • Recognize: Artificial intelligence can recognize images, sounds and text. For example, facial recognition systems are based on artificial intelligence.

  • To generate: AI can generate new content, such as texts, images or music.

How does artificial intelligence work?

Artificial intelligence works with complex algorithms. An algorithm is simply a set of instructions that tells a computer how to do a certain task. However, AI algorithms are much more complex than ordinary programs. For example, they are able to learn from their own mistakes and improve their performance over time.

Application areas of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is already used in many different fields, such as:

  • Healthcare: Artificial intelligence is used for diagnosis, drug development and improving patient care.

  • Traffic: Autonomous cars and the optimization of traffic systems are based on artificial intelligence.

  • Finance: Artificial intelligence is used to detect fraud and make investment decisions.

  • Marketing: Artificial intelligence is used to analyze customer behavior and create personalized ads.

Where is artificial intelligence developing?

The development of artificial intelligence is fast and it affects more and more areas of our lives. In the future, we can expect artificial intelligence to:

  • Replace people in more and more jobs.

  • Changing the way we work and communicate.

  • Create new business models.


Artificial intelligence is a revolutionary technology that will change the world. Although it may seem scary, it's important to understand that AI is just a tool that people use. Artificial intelligence can help us solve many of the world's biggest problems, but it's important to use it responsibly.

What do you think about artificial intelligence?

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Keywords: artificial intelligence, AI, machine learning, algorithms, future

This is a simple introduction to artificial intelligence. If you want to deepen your knowledge, you can read more about the subject on the Internet or participate in courses.

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